When you wish to use some of the extensions included in the Extensions pack, you will need to manually install them (except when using Quickstart where everything is installed and setup similar to the demo).


redSLIDER is a backend component to manage your slide galleries and slides, and it has a related module to show your slide galleries in frontend. You will need to install them using the standard joomla installer.

redSLIDER component:

When you enter the Components->redSLIDER you will see the administration of the redSLIDER component. Here you will be able to create new galleries and slides, and you have option to use templates for your slides.






To see the created slides and galleries in front you will have to enable and configure the redSLIDER module.

You select which slide gallery you wish to show in Gallery Options.




You can configure size and functionality in Styles Options.





You can set your preferred effects in the Effects options.