This template has a set of built-in options to help you configure its look and behavior in your site.  To configure these options, you must:


  1. Go to the administration section of your existing Joomla site and go to the Template Manager, located under Extensions.

    Template Manager


  2. Locate the template style of the template and click its name.

    Select the template style


  3. Next you will see all the available options:

    Template configuration options

    Load jQuery (applies to Joomla 2.5 only)
    Select the way of loading jQuery libraries to work in this site. You can select to disable jQuery loading, loading it from the embedded files, or loading from Google's CDN.
    Note:the template requires jQuery for working correctly, but in some cases when there is another extension loading it, you might want to disable it to avoid duplicate libraries, or to load a higher version of jQuery that the one of the template.

    Load Wright's Javascript calls at the bottom
    For a faster site loading, javascript is loaded near the closing body tag. You can select whether to leave this option or to load the javascript libraries in the head section (beginning) in case it's causing any conflict because of libraries requirement.

    Logo image
    Select a logo for your site. See the logo configuration section for details about this.

    Logo width
    Select how much space will be used for the logo and how much of it will be for the top position right to the logo. See the logo configuration section for details about this.

    Body Font
    Select the font family to be applied to the regular text of the site.

    Heading Font
    Select the font family to be applied to the headings (h1 to h6) of the site.

    The main section of your site is fully adaptable, and it can include 1, 2 or 3 columns depending on the existing modules in the sidebar1 and sidebar2 module positions. When they are present, you can select how much space they will use. We have divided the space in 12 equal columns, and you can select how many of them will be used for the main content and the sidebars, and even swap the columns. Consider that if a sidebar is not present in a page, the main content will use the space, it won't remain empty.

    Sticky Footer
    In short pages, you can make the footer go to the bottom of the page when setting this setting to yes.

    Background image
    You can select one of your images in the Joomla images folder to use it as a background for your site.

    Background position
    If you selected a background image in the previous option, you can select the disposition, either as a tile or as a full-background image (for the window visible area).

    Hidden modules in phone
    If some of your modules are not supposed to be seen in mobile devices, you can select one or some of them to be hidden.